Sunday, May 20, 2018

Favorite ELA Websites: Part 1

I promised myself when I started blogging, each blog would be short and sweet.  I hate reading someone's life story to simply find the ingredients in salsa!  Just sayin'.  So, this topic may span over a few days to avoid breaking my #1 rule.

I am in a few Facebook groups and there's always a question about what 
online resources members would recommend for reading/ELA time.  
By far, I recommend the free website and here's why.

1.  I link ReadWorks through Google Classroom (in the About section) so students can simply click on the link and log in with their Google account.  You can import your class list, too!

2.  There are a TON of engaging articles and stories at a variety of lexile levels.  You can add ELL and SPED supports, have articles read to the student(s), and other forms of differentiation that give every kid an access point.

3.   Using the Articles of the Day gives students 4-5 different nonfiction articles about a topic.  Kids have the choice of which articles they read.  It them prompts them to type up information that they learned in the Book of Knowledge.  *The ELL support features gives kids a sentence starter!

Finally, ReadWorks grades the multiple choice and you grade written responses and give feedback (optional).  Then you have the option to reassign part of or have the student redo the entire assignment from scratch.

So easy to use and a great resource to bookmark for the fall!  :) Denise

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