Monday, July 16, 2018 In The Classroom... FREE!

This spring I discovered that the app CALM launched The Calm Initiative, where every teacher (worldwide) could get completely free access to their application.  As teachers, we know the risks of burn-out are tenfold when we don't participate in self-care! But, we also aren't rich and the regular cost was too much for my budget.  So, this was music to my ears!!

Currently, I use Calm at bedtime to relax and turn off my brain, which is not easy to do, even in the summer!  My next step is to introduce Calm in the classroom.

You can sign up to use Calm in the classroom for FREE by registering here.  I believe it took a day or two to get approved.  The link will give you all the information that you need.  There's also a video you can watch and a link to share with your friends (or pass along my blog link to them).

I can't wait to get started using Calm with my fourth grade students this fall!
:) Denise
There's No Crying In Teaching

Note:  I am not affiliated in any way with Calm.  Just passing along a great way to add mindfulness into your life and your classroom.  

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